The Gamma-Scout® radiation detectors have a long-lasting battery life!
Helping customers to help themselves!
If your Gamma-Scout® doesn’t work properly, there is the new quick guide “Helping customers help themselves“. You can find this in our download section on this website.
Video Series: How to use the Gamma-Scout®
In this video series, students at Mannheim University explain how to use a radiation detector like the Gamma-Scout® correctly.
Gamma-Scout best in Category – Again.
Gamma-Scout besteht den Verbrauchertest 2022/23 mit Bestnoten.
New Processor Generation
By changing the processor in combination with the adaptation of the Firmware, significant improvements were made possible. These include for example:
New Graphic Tool for GAMMA-SCOUT Online
Gamma-Scout ONLINE users can now also visualise their data using our new graphics tool (MacOS & Windows).