Video Series: How to use the Gamma-Scout®

In this video series, students at Mannheim University explain how to use a radiation detector like the Gamma-Scout® correctly.


  • Operating Principle of a Geiger-Müller-tube
  • Pulse Counting Measurements
  • Measuring Gamma Radiation
  • Measuring Beta Radiation
  • Measuring Alpha Radiation
  • Measuring Dose Rates
  • Interpretation of the Measured Data

Operating Principle of a Geiger-Müller-tube

This video briefly explains what a Geiger-Müller-tube is and how it works.

Pulse Counting Measurements

One of the possible ways to measure ionizing radiation is to count the “radiation particles”. This allows us to draw conclusions about the source strength.

Measuring gamma radiation

Some rules must be observed when measuring the very penetrating gamma radiation.

Measuring beta radiation

Measuring beta radiation is more difficult than measuring gamma radiation. Beta radiation can be relatively easily attenuated and even completely shielded by material. For beta emitters with low energy, just a few centimeters of air are enough. You can find out how beta radiation can be measured sensibly with the GAMMA-SCOUT® in this video.

Measuring alpha radiation

Die Messung von Alphastrahlung ist besonders anspruchsvoll, da diese stark ionisierende Strahlung schon wenigen Zentimetern Luft absorbiert werden kann. Daher sind besondere Regeln zu beachten, wenn man Alphastrahler messen möchte. Sie werden in diesem Video beschrieben.

Measuring Dose Rates

The dose rate is a measure of the expected damage from ionizing radiation. This depends on the radiation energy. This dependency has been corrected for the measurement variable used in occupational radiation protection for the so-called depth dose. The GAMMA-SCOUT® enables the display of the dose rate based on the gamma radiation of the nuclide Cs-137. It is understood that the two metrics are not identical. Therefore, the GAMMA-SCOUT® is not a dosimeter that should be used to display occupational exposure. Such measuring devices for use in germany must also be calibrated.

Interpretation of measured data

The GAMMA-SCOUT® saves the measured data and allows export to an EXCEL file for further processing, e.g. graphical representation of the measured values. There are a lot of things to consider.